We Can’t Wait To Receive You!!

- One looks / one outfits
- 6 Professional edited pictures.
- Clean & High Quality.
- Final images delivered via an online gallery.
- Deposit: $182.5
- (Optional) BezyStudios Makeup services
- Two looks / 2 outfits
- 8 professional edited pictures.
- Final images delivered via an online gallery.
- Clean HD Quality.
- Deposit: $200
- Props included on Set.
- (Optional) BezyStudios Makeup services
- 3 looks / 3 outfits
- 10 professional edited pictures.
- Clean Max Ultra Quality.
- Final images delivered via an online gallery.
- Deposit : $247.5
- Props included on Set.
- (Optional) BezyStudios Makeup services
Terms and Policies
By commencing with your booking, you abide to the terms and policies under Bezystudios!!!
A 50% non-refundable retainer is required to secure a booking spot. The balance is due after showing up for the shoot session.
You may not downsize to a smaller package after payment of the initial package has been made or is in progress. However, you may upgrade to a larger package at any time & will consequently require an additional charge of the initial price.
We permit & allow a complementary rescheduling to be completed within 7 days of your initial booking session; provided you notify us within 48
hours prior to your initial booking session. Failing to comply & operate within the policies of this time frame is tantamount to an automatic
CANCELLATION and your deposit/ payment will not be REFUNDED in any way, shape or form. If you intend to reschedule more than once, a $50 rescheduling fee will be required per reschedule.
If you arrive late, we shoot less. If you arrive more than 30 minutes late, we’ll consider it an automatic cancellation and your deposit will be forfeited.
Because we understand that life happens, we allow up to 10 minutes of grace period after which your session is subject to a cancellation.
Bezystudios.co is not responsible for any injuries inflicted on any participating parties. Clients will be responsible for themselves and release the photographer from any claims of an injury through out the entire shoot session from the beginning to the very end.
Proofs are available for a maximum of 50 days from the date we deliver to you the proof gallery (RAW Images) after which your proofs will be archived. There’s a $25 fee to reopen archived galleries.
BezyStudios retains rights to use all images for portfolio, samples, self-promotions online (social media) and publication. Raw files remain the exclusive property of Bezystudios.
It is illegal and prohibited to copy, scan, download, print, share, alter, or otherwise steal any image created by Bezystudios during a photo session. This includes images sent to clients for proofing/selection. Client will be sent an invoice for every image stolen or tempered with without the. authorization of Bezystudios.
Bezystudios retains the Copyright and ownership of its images unless a written authorization is provided. Images may not be reproduced, printed, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission from Bezystudios
The use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept, illustration or reproduction (digital, artist rendered or alike) is a violation of the law & our policy and is strictly prohibited. Bezystudios will grant the license to reproduce such images if need be on the basis of the fact that all invoices are paid within the Bezystudios stated payment terms. Bezystudios reserves the right to charge and file a law suit if the photographs on this website are used for purposes other than what it is intended for by any unauthorized party.